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Fluoride in community water systems  prevents at least 25% of tooth decay in children and adults.

FLUORIDE is a naturally occurring mineral found in water that

helps prevent cavities by making the entire tooth more resistant to decay.

The element fluorine is abundant in the earth’s crust as a

naturally occurring fluoride compound found in rocks and soil. 


Fluoridation of community water supplies is the single most effective measure to prevent tooth decay.


Studies have shown that water fluoridation can reduce decay in children's teeth by as much as 60%.

California Fluoridation Manual


Doctor High Five
Big Wave
Drinking Water at Home


The Campaign for Dental Health (CDH)


Waters in and around the US

have natural fluoride levels of 0.1 to

more than 12 parts per million.

The optimal level for preventing tooth

decay is a range from 0.7 to 1.2 parts

per million. 


Some communities are lucky enough

to have naturally occurring

optimal levels of fluoride in their

water supplies. However, most are not.  

More than 60 years of research and

experience have shown that

fluoridation at optimal levels does not

harm people or the environment. 

Over the past 70 years,


water fluoridation has

contributed to dramatic declines in both the prevalence

and severity of tooth

decay, leading the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention to name it as

one of 10 great public

health achievements of the

20th century (CDC).

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