Learn more about oral health and how it effects PRENATAL CARE
Educational Infographics for these important stages
Dental care during pregnancy is safe and important

Nevada County WIC is a health education program that helps pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and young children eat well, be active and stay healthy.

First 5 Nevada County promotes the importance of early childhood by investing in complex systems of care, empowering families, and strengthening the community.
Brushing with Potter the Otter
Oral Health in the Early Years
Promoting the Healthy Development of Children Prenatal to Age Five.
MCAH is proud to be part of the Nevada County Dental Coalition to help advise on the needs of clients in our community.

The Breastfeeding Coalition provides support to breastfeeding mother's. Education about oral health during and after pregnancy are especially important, which is why BCNC is an important member of our coalition.